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 Trump Organization Charged In Racketeering Lawsuit

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Trump Organization Charged In Racketeering Lawsuit Empty
PostSubject: Trump Organization Charged In Racketeering Lawsuit   Trump Organization Charged In Racketeering Lawsuit EmptyFri Jan 17, 2020 4:33 pm

Trump Organization Charged In Racketeering Lawsuit

Donald Trump has a plethora of legal problems. Here’s a brief overview:

The U.S. Attorney’s office for the Southern District of New York has multiple ongoing criminal investigations into the Trump Organization and Trump inaugural committee.

Numerous women are suing Trump in connection with his sexual infidelity and fondness for engaging in sexual harassment and sexual assault.

A lawsuit has been filed in New York federal court, and it accuses the Trump family of:

“[Receiving] secret payments from three business entities in exchange for promoting them as legitimate opportunities, when in reality they were get-rich-quick schemes that harmed investors, many of whom were unsophisticated and struggling financially.”

The suit also depicts the Trump organization as:

“A racketeering enterprise that defrauded thousands of people.”

The lawsuit focuses on three business entities which the Trump Organization lent its name and prestige to.

ACN, a telecommunications firm that gave Trump money in exchange for endorsing its products.

Trump Network, which sold the now defunct Trump Vitamins nutritional regimen.

Trump Institute, a Trump University-like entity that the lawsuit claims offered “extravagantly priced” real estate seminars.

Two attorneys filed the suit on behalf of four plaintiffs who are identified with pseudonyms such as Jane Doe, say their case is designed to pull the curtain back on the Trump Organization.
Attorneys Roberta Kaplan and Andrew Celli Jr. noted that the lawsuit:

“Connects the dots at the Trump Organization and involves systematic fraud that spanned more than a decade, involved multiple Trump businesses and caused tremendous harm to thousands of hardworking Americans.”

This lawsuit could also provide an inside look at the inner workings of the Trump family business enterprise and serve to bolster a case of racketeering and fraud, both of which are believed to be under investigation by the Southern District of New York and New York attorney general.

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Trump Organization Charged In Racketeering Lawsuit Empty
PostSubject: Re: Trump Organization Charged In Racketeering Lawsuit   Trump Organization Charged In Racketeering Lawsuit EmptyFri Jan 17, 2020 6:23 pm

Quote :
Donald Trump has a plethora of legal problems.

...And I have no doubt you'll report here on every suggested whiff of each and every one of'em .. I've never seen so much leftist media bullshit in one place ... It's MSM media crap to begin with, then you add your own fake news drivel it

Nowhere in that article does it say that Trump has been charged with anything, yet that's what your subject line reads ... It's another allegation .. they've been investigating every aspect of his life going back decades ..He's been under a microscope with a probe up his ass since his presidential campaign ..throwing shit against the wall and hoping a piece will stick ... I'm sure we'll know if that happens
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