So they demand Trump's removal at the same time they want witnesses at his impeachment trial ...Does that make sense? .. What's the point of witnesses when demanding his removal before they know if there will be witnesses or not?...Demanding his removal shows that they don't give a shit about witnesses, -who they might be or what they might say ...The left is fuk'n ignorant
Is the reason that all their chants begin with ~"hey hey ho ho"~ because they can't think of actual words for their chants? ..It also limits them to somethin' that rymes with it .. "got to go" .. not very creative .. Donald Trump eats yellow snow, why he's orange we don't know ... combs his hair all to and fro, hopes today the wind won't blow ... he's a racist luvs the jews, sez rachel maddow on the news ... *shrug* ...If I took 5 minutes I could come up with anything better than "hey hey ho ho" got to go crap ...same mindless shit at every protest ...idiots