Biden Announces Attorney General Pick
WASHINGTON — After several weeks of deliberation by the Biden transition team and much speculation by outside observers, President-elect Biden announced Florida Senator, former U.S. Attorney, Doctor, and military veteran Joanna Beden as his Attorney General. Beden was not present for the announcement however.
Beden, 47, a woman of Hispanic, Asian, African-American, and Native American descent, is a groundbreaking choice. Furthermore, she also marks the first LGBTQ+ Justice Department head.
Besides the bold historical significance of Biden’s choice, she brings a wealth of experience as a two term Senator from a swing state with major legislative accomplishments that have satisfied both the moderate and progressive wings of the Democratic Party. Before entering elected office, she was a US Attorney and graduated from Harvard with a bachelor's degree, gained a law degree at Yale, and went to Cornell medical school according to the Biden transition team press release.