Just a suggestion Temple - turn off the computer and look around your house for a door... there will be a small knob on the door, turn it and pull the door open... now when you look out you'll see green stuff - that's called grass. You'll see a large blue canvas - that's called the sky.
Take a step out - don't worry, it's perfectly safe - and you'll feel a warm sensation. If you look up you'll see a very bright object up in the sky - that's our friend the sun. Don't look at it too long.
Now I know this will be hard to believe, but Trump is not lurking around the corner waiting to pounce on you. Trump is not controlling the sun to burn you with gamma rays. Trump is not coming down the street in a semi truck to run you over.
Take a deep breath - and try, just for a second, to think of something, anything besides Trump.
This will take quite a few attempts on your part but YOU CAN DO IT. Good luck.