The Obama administration attempted to detain families together.
It did not have a policy of family separation.
Obama addressed the immigration issue in a humane way.
Obama cleared out the Illegals and made the law DACA
protecting the children - the program that prevents the deportation of immigrants who came to America as children and live here illegally.
He cleared out Illigales while protecting innocent children.
((The Trump administration has gone to Supreme Court to plead multiple cases to end DACA.)
Children just a few months old were separated and taken away from their parents.
and their parents have been deported, the government held onto the children and prevented the families from being reunited.((kidnapping)) many will never be with their children again, they are lost.
More than 3,000 children have been separated just last year !
and no records kept as to whose child belonged to whom.
That is a horror-
Obama cleared out the illegals, families were Together unless criminally charged,
and he created DACA to protect the children..
trump's immigration is a horror show of nightmares.
He bears the brunt of the blame for deliberately exacerbating a crisis into actual crimes against humanity.
Trump allowed for his administration to detain in the cruelty of an immigration system that he designed to brutalize.
But trump was right about the warehousing of immigrants and the tools he inherited.
The cages were already built.
Obama was no immigration angel but- trump built cruelty and inhumanity acts upon it..
Immigration is pain on America,,