'It was Trump's deal!'
John Bolton schools conservative Newsmax host over Afghanistan withdrawal.
Ex-United States Ambassador to the United Nations and National Security Adviser John Bolton schooled Newsmax host Eric Bolling on Friday over the timeline of the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.
(((((( trump made the deal and the timeline to get out of Afghanistan- trump signed a deal with the Taliban and Biden had to, he had to, honor the deal made by trump to withdraw
by the timeline...
That is why Biden had to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan
on the timeline....
Also, Biden tried to renegotiate with the Taliban,
but they would not change trumps signed deal)))
The on-air debate erupted when Bolling insisted that the country was safer under former President Donald Trump than under President Joe Biden, with which Bolton vehemently disagreed.
"How in the world could you think that we're safer now than we were under President Trump when___
he was willing to put missiles into Syrian airbases with Russians on the base?___
What's going on here sir?" Bolling asked Bolton.
"Because he didn't understand, fundamentally, much of anything about international affairs.
His decisions were not based on a coherent philosophy or coherent policy.
They were erratic.
Under Donald Trump, he signed a deal with the Taliban..."
Bolton began saying before Bolling interrupted.
"But we were safer. He kept them on their back feet. They didn't know where he was coming from and that made us safer," said Bolling.
Bolton fired back.
"No he didn't," Bolton fired back.
"He cut a deal with the Taliban to withdraw from Afghanistan.
Did that make us safer, Eric? Did withdrawing from Afghanistan make us safer? Right."
The discussion quickly devolved into a shouting match.
You know what made us less safe? Biden pulled us out of Afghanistan, 13 Americans died, and now the Taliban tells us, 'back off, don't kill al Qaeda. Are you out of your mind?
It was Trump's deal!
That's right. The same thing they would have done under Donald Trump.
Who cut the deal, Eric? Who cut the deal?
Who delivered the deal? Biden delivered the deal.
Eric, you don't know what you're talking about.
trump wanted everybody out, Trump cut a deal to do exactly that.
Anyone who disagrees with you doesn't know what they're talking about,"
You don't!
Trump said leave 2,500 there until we have a smooth transition of power.
He did not! Look, he said that after he cut the deal. The deal cut us down to zero.
That's what Trump wanted.
He wanted everybody out. The record on that is completely clear.
Over time! Biden pulled them out while Americans were still there.
No. Read the deal, Eric. Have you ever read the deal?
Oh stop.
Yeah I know you gotta go before you're embarrassed even further.