I always just scanned through the short videos or "reels" there.. Recently i decided to look through some of the comment sections and see what people were talking about and found that it's a haven for left wingers .. *extreme* lefties
... They hate Trump deeply of course, but the hatred goes deeper and further than Trump.. They hate the republicans/GOP...anything and anyone with any views towards the center or even slightly to the right of them
One "discussion" was about the forgiving of student loans.. They believe that anyone who disagrees or complains about it is a "traitor" ..for not wanting to "help out their own" .. I didn't see a single post that opposed or disagreed with any of their leftist views and opinions on that or any other subjects.. They particularly hate anyone involved in the Jan 6 "inserection" .. Anyway
... I posted 3 times and got a notification that my posts were deleted because i don't have enough "comment karma" .. Apparently you need to have a certain amount of posts "up voted" in some kinda "subreddit" place/board(s) or whatever .. I didn't fully understand it, not being familiar with Reddit ..but it seems that the lefties are the "elite" posters of Reddit as they have the required "up votes" allowing them to bloviate amongst themselves
I'd like a good squable with them people but I'm not gonna jump through hoops just so i can post.. What irks me is that i get notifications from reddit while i can't even post there.. I guess I'll hafta see how to turn off the notifications
I highly recommend that place for Temple .. He'd love the hate of anything to the right of Joseph Stalin