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 VIDEO; Trump Waving Hands Conducting The National Anthem --

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VIDEO; Trump Waving Hands Conducting The National Anthem -- Empty
PostSubject: VIDEO; Trump Waving Hands Conducting The National Anthem --   VIDEO; Trump Waving Hands Conducting The National Anthem -- EmptyMon Feb 03, 2020 6:26 pm

Trump caught on video waving hands and fidgeting during National Anthem

Despite his lectures to Americans when it comes to showing respect during the National Anthem,
President Trump was caught on video putting on a less-than-respectful display while the Anthem played at his Superbowl party this Sunday.

The video shows Trump adjusting his jacket, moving his chair around, pointing at guests, and waving his hands in the air as if he’s conducting the music.

According to the Miami Herald, the video was first shared in an Instagram story by a real estate agent for a Russian-American firm who’s a frequent visitor to Mar-a-Lago and other Trump-related events.

First lady Melania Trump and their son, Barron, stood by with their hands over their hearts.
All the guests stood in respect hand on heart.

The footage, first reported by the Miami Herald, shows the president waving his hands around and pointing to guests.

The irony of Trump’s perceived disrespect was not lost on his Twitter critics:

Tom Joseph
Trump continues to publicly humiliate himself as dementia dissolves major areas of his brain. With the self control of a 3 year old & zero awareness of what he's supposed to be doing he clowns around during the National Anthem. It will keep getting worse.

Renee Nickolas
Replying to @TomJChicago
I’d say unreal, but I just can’t. It’s all too real. Most disgusting are those around him who do nothing to contain him and get him the help he so obviously needs.

S.V. Dáte
Boy. Good thing Trump is not a black NFL player, because otherwise this behavior would probably be really disrespectful and bad.

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VIDEO; Trump Waving Hands Conducting The National Anthem --
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