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 New National Anthem

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New National Anthem Empty
PostSubject: New National Anthem   New National Anthem EmptyMon Feb 13, 2023 10:58 am

Specifically for black people ...Because slavery i think

I bet they'd rather have reparations than their own national anthem
... Newsom wants to give every black person that grew up in San Francisco $5 million .. Not as much in other Ca cities but a hefty amount ..Better than any anthem

Warren Haynes (Govt. Mule and The Allman Bros., etc) wrote a song called "Mule" that they coulda used ..haa.. about blacks not getting their 40 acres and a mule they were promised in the emancipation proclamation.. I like that one Smile ...
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PostSubject: Re: New National Anthem   New National Anthem EmptyMon Feb 13, 2023 11:30 am

I didn't make that up about $5 million in reparations to blacks in SF

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oliver clotheshoffe
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oliver clotheshoffe

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New National Anthem Empty
PostSubject: Re: New National Anthem   New National Anthem EmptyMon Feb 13, 2023 5:21 pm

I never owned slaves, fuck 'em.
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New National Anthem Empty
PostSubject: Re: New National Anthem   New National Anthem EmptyTue Feb 14, 2023 8:32 pm

It's absolute bullshit to have a seperate/different/additional national anthem for black people .. It's unacceptable
... When black people have their own NFL. their own sports in their own nation, then they can have their own national anthem ... The national anthem. *THE* original national anthem isn't exclusive for white people, so WTF is the reason we need another seperate one for blacks? .. Football isn't for blacks .. Sports aren't for blacks .. Accepting a seperate national anthem for blacks at any sports event is just more pandering to the extreme

.... Is this gonna be the norm now? .. Before all the games? ... All the sports? .. What about hispanics?... Asians?.. what about jews? .. Is it skin color or ethnicity that determines who gets a national anthem dedicated to them? .. They're all as much a part of this country and sports as blacks
... Why stop there? ... Lets have an anthem for Italians... French... Irish.. German... Polish ..Lets take a couple hours before every game in every sport to give recognition to everyone .. What the fuck is so special about blacks to warrant their own anthem apart from everyone else in this country... It's a "melting pot" right?
.... Is it only because some might have had ancestors that were slaves in the U.S.? ... That doesn't make them special ....Slavery was common back in the day ... At one place or another, at one time, all of us have distant ancestors that were enslaved at some point .. Blacks are not the only ones that were ever enslaved ... Acually my british ancestors were the ones that *ended* the trans atlantic slave trade .. Maybe that should warrant a british anthem before sports events
....Do blacks wanna be recognized seperately from everyone else in the country?... That seems like segregation ..they wanna go back to that? .. The root word in apartheid is "apart" .. Is that what they want?

... Blacks are about 15% of the population ...This month is black history month ..Every movie site has a section exclusively for blacks .. They've been specifically included in all the recent movies and Tv shows and many movies have been remade with white characters replaced with blacks ..and whites portray the vilians or the bumbling idiots .. Shit, they demanded that white people stay outta the movie theaters on the opening night of The Black Panther forfuksake ..haa ... Imagine?

... Frankly i give nadda shit about the national anthem... It's just a stupid song ..but I'm tired of blacks trying to dominate while whites allowing themselves to be shit on ...BLM is a "progressive movement" while if anyone even says White Lives Matter or All lives Matter they're labeled a racist... All the blubbering about white privilege, white supremacists they claim are everywhere is just bullshit .. Black privilege and black supremacy is a far bigger problem.. It's an open secret .. When a poster that simply says "It's Ok To Be White" causes a fucking uproar, then it's clearly not OK
....Apparently nobody sees where any of this is going ..
... But blacks should be reminded... This is not South Africa
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